The Village Center, Commonerencia in every Community
The notion of a village center certainly is nothing new in communities throughout this country and around the world. That central square was more than just a location on the map; it is the pulse of a village, where people come together to mingle and shop and celebrate. The heart of the village present a mosaic with these roots, tradition and modernity in order to give room for living together different experiences crossed by time full of harmony between past and future. What is a Village Center? A village center , town square or main street is the core of a community and normallyformed by taking advantage to its environment. The bustling commercial heart of the community; with the most important buildings being situated here i.e murmuring local market, church,Town hall etc. The village center has changed to suit the needs of Western society but still holds it place as a communal platform where people come together and learn from one another. In almost every way, the village center...